Onirix Studio & web AR player

v2.67.0 (2024-07-06)

  • New unbranded cards for the Onirix Clip (for commercial licenses)
  • New Sharing options menu with public URLs and Onirix Clip, embedding, and headsets options.
  • New pricing period selector for semiannual licenses (only valid for Professional accounts)

v2.66.0 (2024-06-06)

Scene editor:

  • New event action "Translate to" other element's position.
  • New property "Touchable element" to enable or avoid ray cast on specific scene elements
  • Improvements in Events section including more sounds and effect options with or without transitions, and new loading transitions for elements.
  • Added option to customize shadow casting and reception for elements in the scene.
  • Update in the light system to be compatible with standard measurements (candels).

Trackings and players:

Spatial AR:


Modules and SDK:


  • Changes in the User onboarding flow: Onirix trial included (trial period of the Starter plan of 15 days).

Explanatory videos of the version v.2.66.0

English version
Versión en español

v2.65.0 (2024-05-28)

  • Spatial AR: Location areas. Visual tips for end-users to start the Spatial AR experience.

Explanatory videos of the version v.2.65.0

English version
Versión en español

v2.64.0 (2024-05-17)

  • Spatial AR: New Reconstruction accordion on scene editor to show the reconstructions steps
  • Embed SDK: Ability to select which elements of the scene can be transformed by gestures (setTransformControlsAllowlist and setTransformControlsBlocklist)
  • Control safe area available as snippet and example for the online code editor.
  • Upgrade Engine-sdk to v1.6.14 (improvements and fixes)
  • New development domains for local testing with engine SDK: "localhost.run" and "glitch.com"

Explanatory videos of the version v.2.64.0

English version
Versión en español

v2.63.0 (2024-04-12)

  • Screen capture module fixed when used from the Onirix Clip.
  • Spatial AR compatible with iOS (via Onirix Clip).
  • Team members with management permissions now also can create projects.
  • More updates in our internal mailing notifications system.

v2.62.0 (2024-04-12)

  • New sharing options to have access to the Onirix Player with Clip option via web Link and QR code.
  • Updated experiences available from our Inspiration Library inside our Onirix Player app.
  • Ability to modify the surface selection placeholder in Surface mode from the Embed SDK. Access to our github code example.
  • Update in our internal mailing notifications system.

v2.61.0 (2024-03-31)

  • Datastore connected experiences: indicator to show the library experiences that will be connected to modules and the Datastore.
  • New Scene Direct URL on scene options.
  • Onirix Clip initial version: enhanced tracking experience for iOS devices.
  • Update Spatial reconstruction service to v.1.0.14
  • Update AR Engine SDK to v1.6.6
  • Update EmbedSDK to v1.8.1
  • New cancellation terms and UI flow.

v2.60.0 (2024-02-23)

  • New asset warning (based on complexity of 3D models) on Scene Editor elements.
  • Fix on proximity events when initialising AR Scenes.
  • Several improvements on Spatial Beta features.

v2.59.0 (2024-02-02)

v2.58.0 (2024-01-26)

v2.57.0 (2024-01-11)

v2.56.0 (2023-12-14)

v2.55.0 (2023-11-23)

  • Onirix compatible with WebXR for iOS devices with Mozilla WebXR viewer browser.
  • Suggest and vote for new features in Onirix. We provide a new way for our users to communicate their requests for future improvements.
  • Tutorial tip within Asset library to explain how to include 3D models from sketchfab.
  • Localhost views from Engine SDK no longer count as conumed views from user's plan
  • New register and home screen for mobile experience: responsive.
  • New onboarding video for new users.

v2.54.0 (2023-10-9)

v2.53.0 (2023-10-4)

v2.52.0 (2023-07-20)

  • New Onirix logo and rebranding.
  • New invoicing method: daily invoicing (instead of always counting the period on the 1st day of the month, it is counted on the same day of the following selected period, monthly or yearly).
    • New plan selector and new payment gateway.
  • Update AR-Engine-SDK version to 1.4.2 (improvements in the SLAM algorithm).
  • Improvements in the WebAR player for iOS (memory consumption).
  • Lazy loading and dynamic element creation included in our Embed SDK and examples.

v2.51.0 (2023-06-22)

v2.50.0 (2023-04-17)

  • Lights in Onirix: include different type of lights in your scenes.
  • Labels and text in Onirix improved: different properties to modify appearance and styles.
  • Camera controls for Web 3D scenes within Embed SDK.
  • Control for displaying disabled elements in a scene.
  • Improvements in SLAM features for Surface tracking: UI warning on tracking lost.
  • General UI improvements in User menu, Account, dropdown lists, etc.
  • Improved numeric inputs in the scene editor and other keyboard shortcuts.
    • Shift + arrows does a coarser increment/decrement.
    • Trailing and leading zeros are kept as is until the input loses focus.
  • Changes in transformation controls:
    • Translation is now relative to the scale of the element context, both, in the transform controls and with shortcuts in the canvas.
    • Shift & arrows in the canvas allows a coarser increment/decrement.

v2.49.0 (2023-02-27)

  • Updated UI of the top menu of the scene editor.
  • Update of sharing options: simplification and customization.
  • Inclusion of new advanced sharing mode: HTML embedded code for 3D web.
  • Improvements in World tracking algorithm and main option setting in Surface scenes.
  • Onirix Free plan.

v2.48.0 (2023-01-26)

  • World tracking (SLAM) beta for Android and iOS for Surface experiences (access via project settings).
  • 3D viewer within scene editor
  • New info component within scene alerts: info component.
  • Collapse asset's collections on asset's screen.
  • Wizard within scene editor to explain step-by-step features.

v2.47.0 (2022-12-05)

  • Redesign of the asset library inside the scene editor (top left)
  • Access to the experience library from Studio's general menu
  • Access to the url of a specific scene (param "scene") within a project (it also allows blocking access to the rest of the scenes in the project, and in markers, only the preview marker of that scene will be shown).
  • Scene's warning if exists multimedia elements with autoplay on, or events triggered on scenes load that plays multimedia elements.
  • New scene editor's perspective control.
  • Setting to set the Scene's orientation (vertical / horizontal).
  • "What's new" menu to inform about new features and changelogs. Feed page with all the published info.

v2.46.0 (2022-10-06)

  • Experience Library: ability to download complete experiences from the library to the Onirix account.
  • Online code editor:
    • Option to open in a new tab.
    • Save with cmd + s / ctrl + s.
  • New asset: Holograms (volumetric videos).
  • Possibility to play and test animations in the 3D assets preview.
  • Possibility to search coordinates in the map editor.
  • New actions in EmbedSDK v1.2.2
    • translateToPosition
    • 'translateToElement'

v2.45.0 (2022-08-31)

  • Events and interactions: action to stop a specific animation in a 3D model.
  • New top bar in Onirix Studio with more visible help access
  • Access to new and improved support ticket system
  • Access to video call requests with experts (premium support)
  • Inclusion of warnings for scene weights and recommendations of the different assets
  • New launchpad page for Desktop for image tracking projects in Onirix: QR code and marker info (to see an example open this link in desktop)
  • Fixed: Alpha sorting in 2D elements (JPG images)

v2.44.0 (2022-07-25)

  • New project and scene creation flow: simplification of the process.
  • New controls to activate/deactivate projects.
  • New controls to rename projects, scenes and elements.
  • Icons to access main Project features on the top bar of the Scene editor.
  • Responsive adaptation for the registration process.
  • Web AR UX improvement: marker preview component webAR player.
  • 3D model compression improved when uploading new Assets.

v2.43.0 (2022-05-23)

v2.42.0 (2022-04-04)

  • Redesign and unification of property bar styles (on the right size of editor).
  • New version and simplification of the register process.
  • Domain ngrok was added to development domain whitelist.
  • Users can now set own organization and add members.
  • New notifications about errors and warnings on scene’s editor.
  • Several bug fixes

v2.41.0 (2022-02-10)

  • Added Growth & Scale Plan
  • Improved asset conversion and optimization

v2.40.0 (2021-12-30)

  • Users can now set their own custom domains.
  • Share menu was re-designed, adding embed instructions.
  • Several bug fixes

v2.39.0 (2021-11-03)

  • Added 'Always face camera' option for elements.
  • More realistic shadows for 2D transparent elements.
  • Message API for iframe integration.
  • Chroma key videos no longer display loading and play/pause icons (simulating a GIF file).
  • Increase text size for content sheets from 1000 to 10000 characters.
  • Added embed URL to share menu.
  • Added a confirm dialog when deleting an element with del / supr.
  • Added more information on event's tooltip (hovering an event from events list).
  • Events are now ordered by creation date.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

v2.38.0 (2021-09-28)

  • A new home page has been added, showing the latest modified projects, news and video tutorials.
  • The projects page has been redesigned, adding a list view option and a metrics panel.
  • The "Duplicate scene" and "Copy to project" options in the scene context menu were unified into a single option called "Clone scene".
  • Added "Copy contents" option to the scene context menu to be able to copy elements, events and datasheets to other scenes.
  • Unified some component styles.
  • Other bug fixes.

v2.37.0 (2021-08-23)

  • Shadows option is now working.
  • Added lighting controls to scene properties.
  • Email widget was improved, allowing for subject and body pre-filling.
  • Added transform shortcuts to element's contextual menu. Element's contextual menu is now also shown on right click.
  • Implemented reset action for Web AR.
  • Added volume control for multimedia (audio and video) assets.

v2.36.0 (2021-07-12)

  • Onirix Asset Viewer improvements:
    • Added option to specify preview background color
    • Added option to launch a model directly in AR
    • Added option to specify desired placement (floor, wall)
    • Added option to display a model thumbnail in the first place
  • Surface scenes can now be marked as "autoload". This feature will automatically load the scene in front of the user without requiring to select a surface.
  • Added sounds for enable / disable event transitions.
  • The editor will now remember folding status for elements and collections.

v2.35.0 (2021-06-04)

  • Geolocation module fixes:
    • Decreased location activation radius from 50m to 25m.
    • Several styling fixes
    • Fixed accessing visual reference location scenes on iOS.
    • Clicking on location's sheet handle, now opens / closes the sheet.
  • Added recognition area images for Spatial-Tracking scenes.
  • Added "Keep on lost" property for projects that makes Image and QR scenes to keep the content centered on the screen when marker is lost.

v2.34.0 (2021-05-14)

  • New Geolocation module. Web AR projects can now be geolocated so scenes can be contextualized in the real world and only be triggered from specific locations.
  • Added option to copy elements from one scene to another.
  • Fixed lighting issues.
  • Fixed camera bug when zoom reached its limit.
  • Keyboard shortcut for creating collections (CTRL+G / CMD+G).
  • Other minor bugfixes

v2.33.0 (2021-04-12)

  • New enable / disable event-action transitions (fade, grow, bounce)
  • Required fields in data templates for datasheet validation
  • Elements or route nodes can now be deleted with Del/Supr key
  • Downloaded QR Code images now include required white padding
  • Project, Scene and Asset remove dialog styles were unified
  • SDK views are now counted in project card views
  • Other bugfixes

v2.32.0 (2021-03-26)

  • New "forceAR" parameter for Asset View URLs allows to display models directly in AR on compatible devices.
  • Changes in WebAR player:
    • In surface mode, "place" button is now removed after selecting a surface. It can be shown again through "select surface" option inside contextual menu.
    • Added "Scene loading" message.
  • Downloading the QR code of a scene, will now return a ZIP file containing the QR code in SVG and PNG formats.
  • Added warning dialog when replacing a 3D asset thumbnail, encouraging to refresh browser cache.
  • Implemented natural sort when ordering projects, scenes or assets by name. This means, elements starting with numbers will be sorted numerically whereas elements starting with letters will be sorted alphanumerically.
  • Improved visual reference scenes loading time.
  • Elements can now be moved using keyboard arrows.
  • Several bug fixes.

v2.31.0 (2021-02-19)

  • Improved lighting. Now only 3D elements are affected by lighting, leaving 2D, labels and widgets with their raw colors. Also, light types and intensities where modified to increase realism.
  • Added incompatibility message when trying to access Onirix from Internet Explorer 11 or below. This also applies for embedded WebAR experiences.
  • Added visual reference feature for Image-Tracking scenes.
  • Adapted payment gateway to new plans and pricing.
  • Route nodes can now be ordered in Spatial-Tracking scenes.
  • Thumbnails of 3D assets can now be replaced.

v2.30.0 (2021-01-14)

  • Improved UI for datasheet edition.
  • Scenes can now be transformed (move, rotate or scale)
  • Camera positioning fixes when switch between different types of scenes.
  • Assets with special characters on its filenames are now supported.
  • New scene information block (total vertex, polygons, elements and download size) on scene properties panel.
  • New rotation transform gesture for WebAR.

v2.29.0 (2020-11-25)

  • Added video tutorials into help menu.
  • Added new field type "RichText" for datasheets.
  • New fields can now be added to existing templates.
  • Several fixes when copying spatial-tracking scenes.
  • Improved invoice concept's description.
  • New setting for disabling transform using gestures.
  • New setting for enabling occlusion (for compatible devices only).
  • Added slider for adjusting point cloud size in spatial-tracking scences.
  • Several improvements in Onirix Asset loader and converter.
  • New layout for metrics screen.
  • Elements can now be ordered within the elements tree.
  • Scene configuration now is persisted and recovered across multiple sessions, browsers or devices.
  • Several WebAR fixes and improvements.
  • New sign-up page.
  • No scenes are loaded by default when a project has multiple scenes (a scene selector will appear).
  • Custom WebAR domains are now shown inside "My Account" page.
  • Members organization is now shown inside members page.

v2.28.0 (2020-10-15)

  • WebAR:
    • Transform controls using gestures
    • Fixed camera pick up on devices with multiple rear cameras
    • Performance improvements
    • Default perspective view in surface scenes for devices without gyroscope sensor
  • Metrics:
    • UI improvements
    • Data collection fixes
  • Added new feature to copy an scene into another project
  • Studio now supports uploading multiple 2D assets by using a ZIP file
  • Plan selection now shows totals with discount applied for annual plans
  • Spatial-Tracking scenes now display navigation nodes bigger and visible through the point cloud
  • Fixed a bug when replacing a top hierarchy element asset
  • Fixed a bug that produced not to refresh user status properly
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements

v2.27.0 (2020-09-10)

  • New plan selection screen.
  • New metrics screen
  • Added support menu in the editor
  • Asset and project filters are now saved during the same session
  • WebAR video elements with "autoplay" property enabled, are now played automatically.

v2.26.0 (2020-08-09)

  • Improved WebAR performance.
  • Improved data collection for user metrics.

v2.25.0 (2020-06-26)

  • Added Orbit Controls (new camera controls that are set by default for Surface, Image and QR Code scene types)
  • 3D assets are no longer scaled when they are converted
  • Now it is possible to add datasheets to element collections
  • Undo-Redo improvements
  • Asset-View AR button clickable area was increased
  • Spatial-Tracking:
    • Showing estimated reconstruction time
    • If scene reconstruction process fails for any reason, it will be launched again automatically.
    • Raycast improvements
    • Grid adaps better to scene size
  • Email and Phone widgets improvements

v2.24.0 (2020-05-26)

  • Filter projects by tracking type
  • Email and Phone call widgets
  • Fixed tooltip component
  • Updated documentation links
  • Fixed collection clone when elements inside the collection had events
  • Fixed "OnArrive" events for Spatial-Tracking route navigation
  • Improved Scene Editor performance
  • Several WebAR fixes and improvements

v2.23.0 (2020-04-16)

  • New UX for Launchpads / WebAR
  • Universal links integration for Onirix App
  • New UX for scene-tracking densification process
  • Fixed 3D model transpacencies
  • Fixed chroma videos showing a black frame when loading in WebAR
  • Independent WebAR traffic inside metrics
  • New camera perspective buttons
  • Improved WebAR permissions request and error messages
  • Autoscaling elements when added to the scene depending on QR / Image size
  • Fixed SVG icons in Safari
  • Fallback URL for published assets when ARCore is not available

v2.22.0 (2020-03-09)

  • Domain users management
  • Asset preview dialog
  • Improved camera controls (disabled orbiting)
  • Added support for chroma videos
  • Improved WebAR performance
  • Added support for QR scenes in WebAR
  • Displaying adjustable floor for scene-tracking scenes
  • Improved performance on metrics page
  • Saving last scene camera view in browser storage
  • Centering elements on camera when double-clicking

v2.21.0 (2020-01-29)

  • WebAR visualization of scenes (beta)
  • Added collections for asset organization
  • Improved metrics page to include WebAR views
  • Other bug fixes

v2.20.0 (2019-12-19)

  • Several improvements on scene-tracking scenes
    • Raycasting to points, anchors or elements
    • Darker background
  • Added route creation for scene-tracking scenes
  • Undo-Redo improvements
  • Added component for 3D / AR external asset visualization
  • Better resolution and filtering for thumbnails
  • New UI for scene editor
  • Added "QR Code" scene type

v2.19.0 (2019-11-05)

  • Several UI improvements
  • Initial support for new Spaces scenes
  • New action for events: Stop Animation

v2.18.0 (2019-10-07)

  • Updated payment system for European SCA regulation compliance.
  • Initial Undo / Redo support for basic actions
  • Projects can now be shared with a link
  • Fixed bug when replacing a marker image
  • New action for events: Play Animation
  • Allow upload of 360 videos (without compression) (update 2023-10-18 - deprecated, supported only for app not web AR)
  • 3D assests can now have internal folders inside the ZIP file.
  • Other small bugfixes (UI, layout …)

v2.17.0 (2019-08-22)

  • Improved overall performance
  • New UI for event management
  • Checkbox for enabling/disabling world tracking in Target projects
  • Launchpads can now be deactivated
  • Included annual subscription option

v2.16.0 (2019-07-25)

  • Upgraded marker quality formula
  • Labels can now be unselected
  • Improved conversion of FBX models
  • Improved conversion of GLB models with specular-glosiness materials
  • Improved scale when importing 3D models
  • 3D model reflections are now rendered depending on selected scene cubemap
  • New device compatibility message for Studio.
  • Other bug fixes

v2.15.0 (2019-07-14)

  • Projects can be cloned now
  • Optimized network requests
  • SDK can now be purchased from account screen
  • Several improvements on initial wizard
  • Industrial cubemap as default when creating a new scene
  • Improved marker quality formula

v2.14.0 (2019-06-21)

  • Improvements on SMS validation
  • Added scene cubemap selector for reflections
  • Marker images can now be replaced
  • Events are now also copied when duplicating elements or scenes
  • Fixed project consumption metrics
  • Improved user experience when creating new projects and scenes
  • Added embeddable code for launchpads
  • Added HTML editor for launchpad description
  • Added element opacity selector
  • Updated help wizards
  • Added "loop" option to translate, rotate and scale events
  • Added default project for new registered users

v2.13.0 (2019-06-03)

  • Fixed styles on small devices
  • Improved the way to add new elements when dragging them to the scene

v2.12.0 (2019-05-20)

  • New label font
  • New events: Proximity and Finish (for video and audio)
  • Element hierarchy and collections support
  • Several bugfixes

v2.11.0 (2019-05-02)

  • Added Launchpads feature, a way to share projects publicly.
  • Several improvements on camera and transform controls.
  • Better validation messages when uploading assets.
  • OID copy was added to contextual menus.
  • Updated help wizards.
  • Several UI layout fixes.
  • Several improvements in color picker for Labels (added HEX and swatches).
  • New videotutorials

v2.10.0 (2019-04-11)

  • Added Audio and Video elements.
  • Responsive videotutorials.
  • Improved transform controls.
  • Other small fixes.

v2.9.0 (2019-03-26)

  • Added new element type "Widget", it allow to create URL links and YouTube video links.
  • New videotutorials dialog
  • Added content assotiation for elements, a new way to create datasheets with the default template.
  • Modified default template to include URL title and URL.

v2.8.0 (2019-03-19)

  • Added new element "Label"
  • Added a dialog with intructions to visualize the experience in the apps when going back from the editor
  • Improved messages and internationalization

v2.7.0 (2019-03-12)

  • Added more help tooltips
  • Updates and marketing notifications are now merged on a single option
  • Fixed some UI/UX problems for expired accounts or paused subscriptions

v2.6.0 (2019-02-20)

  • Fixed small sign-up problems
  • 2D assets now keep their original aspect ratio when added to the scene
  • Partial support for .dae (Collada) 3D assets
  • Improved 3D assets import
  • Fixed problem with language switch
  • Added help tooltips
  • Added initial wizard
  • Added button for element copy
  • Added option for pausing subscription
  • Negative scales (for mirroring elements) are now supported

v2.5.0 (2019-01-15)

  • New business model changes
  • Sample 2D/3D assets for new users
  • Support overlay panel
  • Initial video tutorial
  • Help tooltips
  • Improved multi-browser support

v2.4.0 (2018-12-13)

  • Register validation codes now will expire in 1 month.
  • Fixed URL validation within element events.
  • Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy layout and UI
  • Fixed problem when uploading GLB assets with embedded textures
  • Updated pricing layout and UI
  • I18N improvements
  • Responsive improvements
  • Included automatic conversion for 3D assets (supporting OBJ, FBX and GLTF)
  • Warnings on 3D assets when having high number of polygons, textures or children objects.
  • Warning when creating markers with not enough quality.
  • New UX for creating overlays
  • Scene elements now can be cloned by copy and paste keyboard commands.

v2.3.0 (2018-11-13)

  • Added support for tablets
  • Fixed assets cache
  • I18N improvements
  • Assets are now correctly rotated when using vertical markers
  • New UX for adding places (Maps projects).

v2.2.0 (2018-11-06)

  • Added privacy policy within Studio.
  • Added check into registration screen for subcribing to Onirix Newsletter.
  • Users can now cancel their accounts.
  • Small changes on email templates

v2.1.0 (2018-10-23)

  • Fixed problem when clicking on upload link from asset upload dialog.
  • Datasheet panels can now be closed within maps editor.
  • Password change dialog can now be closed.
  • Transfer consumption between Studio and Apps is now correctly calculated.
  • Fixed marker rotation (Targets)
  • Fixed autoscale when replacing an asset.
  • Fixed copy of Targets and Spaces

v2.0.0 (2018-10-15)

  • Official launch

Table of Contents
